Marriage is a lifelong commitment and couples must explore the dynamics of this partnership and prepare themselves for a satisfying future together. Also, after proper pre-marital counseling couples have reported higher levels of social, emotional and physical satisfaction. Thus, this has become an integral part of wedding preparations and planning.
Through Premarital Counseling, prospective brides and grooms are given a forum to discuss important aspects in a marriage such as finances, communication skills, planning children, effective parenting, healthy and harmonious relationship with in-laws, job prospects, anger management, family dynamics, cultural diversities and how to deal with them, ownership of responsibilities and quality time spent together.
This helps in expectation- setting and prepares the couples to face the challenges together with positive attitude and mutual trust.
Hence, an experienced professionally accredited counselor helps you to lay a strong foundation for a bright and happy future of togetherness.
Signs that you NEED THIS
- – Anxious regarding the commitment and conformity in marriage.
- – Feeling nervous about coping-up with day to day challenges in marriage.
- – A desire to know your partner’s behaviour patterns in advance.
- – Discuss and sort any radical difference of personality.
- – Discuss important future milestones in a marriage.
- – You want to equip yourself better to mitigate any crisis or troubled situation in your marriage.
- – Preparing yourself for the paradigm shift after marriage.
If you or anyone you know is addressing the complex issues of Pre-marriage, please contact an experienced Psychologist at the earliest possible.