Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a disorder of the brain and behavior. Hence, OCD causes severe anxiety in those affected. In the first place, OCD involves both obsessions and compulsions that take a lot of time and get in the way of important activities the person values.
Thus, Obsessions are reoccurring thoughts that may make the person feel uncomfortable and hassled.
Whereas, Compulsions are activities that are undertaken, without undergoing which people might feel uncomfortable. For instance, washing hands exactly seven times before every meal.
Some of the types of Obsessive Compulsive Actions:
- – Checking, an example to see taps are shuts, lights are shut, and the door is shut again and again.
- – Contamination, fear of contracting germs, washing hands obsessively.
- – Hoarding, not throwing things, buying and collecting.
- – Negative Intrusive thoughts, obsessive thoughts that the individual cannot let go off.
Some of the symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder:
- – Obsession with order or symmetry
- – Excessive double-checking of things
- – and arranging things “just so”
- – Spending a lot of time cleaning and washing
Lastly, OCD is an Anxiety Disorder which hampers and interferes with the daily functioning of the individual. Hence, If you or someone you know is suffering from OCD, please consult an experienced psychologist at the earliest.