Dr Ajay Sharma is a Renowned Clinical psychologist in Indore


loneliness is a term to describe a behaviour of dwelling in solitude destitute of sympathetic or friendly companionship. Thus, such an aberration from normalcy can be a red flag condition in your personal growth chart. Hence, it is a complex emotion marked by a sad feeling to evade social gathering, be aloof even in crowd and disconnect from the present.

Moreover, personal loss, trauma or even a medical condition can lead to inescapable feelings of being lonely in a person. Furthermore, there can be innumerable reasons and it varies from person to person.

Thus Some of the symptoms of Loneliness are:


  • Withdrawal from friends
  • Lack of interest in outdoor activities
  • Not getting engaged enough in social activities.
  • Detachment with the environment
  • Personal Neglect
  • Excessive interest in Social Media and online games

if you or someone you know is suffering is becoming lonely and it is turning out to be a problem which is impacting the quality of your life, I strongly recommend visiting an experienced psychologist.