Dr. Ajay Sharma


We live in times where our lives are shaped and defined by our visibility on social networking sites. Having a moderate media exposure is good but wrapping up yourself perpetually in technology and being enslaved by online clicks is a condition known as social media dependency. Hence like any other forms of Dependency, even this needs rehabilitation and holistic healing.

Thus, we help you identify the degree of Dependency and probable causes for it. Furthermore, it is important to realize that happiness and connection from social media are artificial. Hence, it makes us less adept at out real human relationships.

Some of the symptoms of Social Media Dependency

  • – 24×7 status updates
  • – Excessive indulgence in “Selfies”
  • – Posting frequently on various media sites
  • – Checking the phone frequently for social messages
  • – Checking emails out of official working hours, even in bed, during lunch and dinner.
  • – Emotional reactions to social activities in media.
  • – Finding solace in online friendships.

If you or someone you know suffers from Social Media Dependency, please contact an experienced psychologist at the earliest.